Free Lowes Build and grow picture frame clinic for kids


New Member
I take my kid all the time. Usually Lowes is the second and forth saturday and Home Depot is the first saturday of the month


New Member
Are the Home Depot ones more for older kids? Are they longer? I have a 3 year old, so the Lowe's ones are nice since they're relatively simple and work at your own pace. Are the Home Depot ones more structured?


New Member
The home depot ones seem to be a little more durible. My child likes doing both but I need to start the nails for her at the home depot store. It depends on what they are making at the time. Some of the Lowes ones have had the parents wanting to pull out their hair. Home depot has a three hour block set up so there is more time available. Theres is 9am to 12. Lowes only sets up an hour block from 10-11. Either way I think they are very valuable for my child. It good for her eye hand cordination and teaches her some basic skills plus it teaches patience and not giving up.



New Member
I saw that the Home Depot one was 9-12 but for whatever reason I thought it was set up more like a workshop where they give you instruction. If it's a build it and leave type of thing, I may take him sometime then. I know there is a school bus pencil box coming up and I thought he would love it. Thanks for the info, we may give it a go.


New Member
We love this too, and the ones at Home Depot. :)

I will say that the Lowe's by us never runs out of kits, and if you're not at Home Depot the minute it starts you won't get one!
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