Enermax StereoSGL 4-Watt Bluetooth Wireless LED Speaker $2 AR


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  1. Purchase Enermax StereoSGL 4-Watt Bluetooth Wireless LED Speaker for $22 before 1/30/21
  2. Fill out this form with all required information. https://images10.newegg.com/uploadfilesfornewegg/rebate/SH/Enermax6MIRsJan14Jan3021jd56.pdf?
  3. or you can go here and follow the instructions provided below for faster processing. https://enermax.rebateaccess.com/
    1. Enter Product UPC
    2. Enter Offer Number 92099
    3. Enter Purchase Date (must buy before 1/30 to qualify)
    4. Select FIRST Offer 92099 and Click Register
    5. Select Add for the Color you Bought
    6. Click "Go To First Step"
    7. Fill out personal info then Click "Go to the Next Step"
    8. Confirm Info, Click Box to Agree to Terms & Conditions then Click "Go to Next Step"
    9. Click Link to Print Form
  4. Cut out and enclose the ORIGINAL UPC code from the product packaging.
  5. Enclose a legible copy of the sales receipt indicating your purchase of the above product(s).
  6. Mail all of these items to the address on form no later than 2/27/21
  7. Your Total should be $2 after $20 Rebate with Free Shipping
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