Tetley Tea Recipe Booklet, sample and coupon


just a head's up. at the bottom of that form it says print or submit. i thought the "print" meant it would print a coupon. ha! it printed the form. (and i'd told it to print six copies. :kekeke:)


New Member
I think you need a cup of tetley tea.::kekeke: I always print one then check it out-then print more.Just in case.


Staff member
yea I didnt notice but their main page says: Thank you for trying Tetley's Iced Tea Blend. We hope that you loved it as much as we do! Unfortunatley, our Sip and See Guarantee offer ended on October 31, 2007. Please feel free to click on the link to the Tetley home page and visit other parts of our site to learn more about tea, find recipes and new products.
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