Bike wheel lights $1.29 and FS!


New Member
LED Bike Wheel Lights, Neon Green...Qty:1 $7.99
Subtotal: $ 7.99
Shipping: $ 0.00
Tax: $ 0.00
Handling Fee: $ 0.00
Discount: -$ 4.20
Grand Total: $ 3.79
Still a great deal!!


New Member
Subtotal:$ 7.99Shipping:$ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00Handling Fee:$ 0.00Discount:-$ 4.20 Grand Total:$ 3.79

thank you!!


New Member
Subtotal:$ 7.99Shipping:$ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00Handling Fee:$ 0.00Discount:-$ 4.20 Grand Total:$ 3.79

thank you!!

I got a set too.. such a great deal!! This way I dont worry about cars seeing him on his bike!! Wish I could have gotten two sets.. but one is better than nothing at all! Glad you got in on it..:xmasgrin:
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