Moderation Nation party

Stormy Weather

New Member
Did anyone else win the Moderation Nation MyGetTogether party from Hershey's?

I did, and in reading their info sheet, I thought that a dietitian and a personal trainer were calling me during the party for guest's questions.

They just called to confirm -- they are both COMING TO MY HOUSE to meet my guests in person to discuss proper nutrition and fitness.



Worker Bee
Did anyone else win the Moderation Nation MyGetTogether party from Hershey's?

I did, and in reading their info sheet, I thought that a dietitian and a personal trainer were calling me during the party for guest's questions.

They just called to confirm -- they are both COMING TO MY HOUSE to meet my guests in person to discuss proper nutrition and fitness.


:eek3: WOW!

Stormy Weather

New Member
This is about the 6th or 7th House Party or MyGetTogether party that I won in the past two years. I have NEVER had trouble getting people to come to them -- usually a full house, and they stay for hours.

For this one, of course, with these people coming, I am getting negative RSVP's like you can't believe! Every birthday party, communion party, anniversary weekend away, you name it, seems to have been scheduled for this Saturday. I am this close to stopping strangers in the street and inviting them in LOL.

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